Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Vata dosha is made of air and space, pitta dosha is built of fire and water, and kapha dosha is composed of earth and water.
Take a moment to review the list of characteristics from each dosha and see which most represent you. Most of us will have one dominant dosha, some will have two or more and all of us will have some of each.
Vata Characteristics
- Light, thin build - Quick to grasp new knowledge, yet quick to forget
- Deficiency in essential oils - Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety
- Highly imaginative and creative - Excitable, lively, full of joy and enthusiasm
- Tendency for dry skin and hair - Tendency toward constipation
- Aversion to cold weather - Tendency toward light and interrupted sleep
- Irregular hunger and digestion - Mental quickness
- Excess thinking or worrying - Difficulty tolerating loud noises and bright lights
- Twitches, tics, tremors, spasms - High energy in short bursts
- Overexert and tire easily - Tendency to act on impulse
- Changeable moods - Irregular routine
- Spacey, scattered feeling - Often have racing, disjointed thoughts
- Cold hands and feet - Talk and walk fast
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Aenean libero augue, varius eget posuere iaculis, eleifend at mi. Duis tempor mauris quis interdum pellentesque. Nunc sed turpis et odio finibus elementum vitae id ante. Quisque at felis in odio tempor euismod. In ornare lacus ac purus imperdiet maximus. Etiam viverra nunc sit amet est tincidunt, quis lobortis elit sodales. Praesent lacus risus, varius tempus eleifend et, iaculis vitae nisi. Vivamus eleifend odio ac pretium sodales. Duis a augue erat. Vestibulum at libero bibendum, vestibulum metus vitae, pulvinar nunc.