The Seasons

In many ways, our experience of life is a reflection of our environment. For example, if we were raised in predominantly hot weather, we may tend to view life as easy-going, whereas cold weather might give us a propensity toward striving.

In addition, depending on our unique dosha, we may find more inward comfort and outward success in certain types of weather, which can also change depending on our stage of life.

Ayurveda helps us adjust our inward “climate” so we experience more balance, flow, and harmony with our perceived surroundings. Below are some seasonal qualities and imbalances associated with each dosha that we are more prone to when we are out of balance.

Spring: Kapha Dosha

During spring, the days become longer and we start to crave time in nature and fresh foods. The world around us begins to awaken slowly and so do we. If our dosha is out of balance we are likely to experience colds, congestion, allergies, sluggishness, indigestion, weight gain, or low libido.  

Summer: Pitta Dosha

During summer, we experience renewed feelings of lightness and expansion. We are more compelled to embrace our passions, move forward with decisions, and speak our minds. If we are out of balance we may experience irritability, jealousy, excessive thirst, inflammation, hives, or bloodshot eyes.

Fall: Vata Dosha

During fall, the temperature starts to decrease as the earth prepares for the months ahead by becoming more exposed, simplified, and raw. We yearn for warmth, deep nourishment, loving relationships, a sense of stability, and routine. If out of balance we may feel restless, fearful, lonely, constipated, have dry skin, cold hands or feet, and muscle aches.

Winter: Kapha Dosha & Vata Dosha

During winter, the natural world becomes brisker and starts to retreat as it prepares for its slumber. As a reflection of this season, we may feel like resting more, eating warm foods, and are drawn toward stillness. Given winter is dominated by kapha and vata dosha, we may experience imbalances such as excessive sleep, depression, a slow metabolism, runny nose, swollen lymph glands, and low-grade fevers; or we could experience spaciness, confusion, cracking skin, poor circulation, sciatica, and ringing in the ears.