
Ayurveda offers a gateway of knowledge to deepen your understanding of yourself, which in turn enhances your understanding of others. The way you relate to yourself shapes your relationships with Life as a whole, including those with friends, family, and colleagues. 

As you become familiar with the doshas, you can cultivate greater awareness and compassion, creating opportunities to connect, build meaningful relationships, and move forward with intention. For instance, if a co-worker tends to have strong opinions, it might indicate an imbalance in their pitta dosha, which gives you the insight needed not to take it personally. Similarly, a friend who makes impulsive or fearful decisions may be experiencing a vata imbalance, inspiring you to offer support, perhaps with a warm, grounding meal. If a family member seems unmotivated or lacking enthusiasm, it could point to a kapha imbalance, encouraging you to engage them with more energizing activities. 

Additionally, each of us is operating at different levels of conscious awareness—some are more attuned to their experience as an observer, while others may find themselves driven by their five senses or emotions. Recognizing these different stages within yourself and others can be a powerful tool to create the relationships you desire.    

Ultimately, your relationships - in work and play - are reflections of your inner well-being. I am Ayurveda teaches you how to navigate harmoniously your relationships from the perspective that everything happens from you.