Your Dosha (Mind-Body Type)

According to Ayurveda, we are comprised of the five elements, called doshas:

  • Vata dosha - air & space

  • Pitta dosha - fire & water

  • Kapha dosha - earth & water

Upon conception, our Prakruti is established. This is our unique doshic foundation that consists of life-long qualities like height, eye, and hair color, as well as our innate personality traits; it acts as a guide to bring us back into balance as we experience the variables of life. These variables or temporary changes are known as our Vikruti. They include the mental, emotional, and physical variables that take us out of balance. For example, our ability to think rationally, make harmonious decisions, and handle difficult situations could be challenged when we are out of balance. We may experience uncomfortable moods and feelings that could impact our decision-making abilities and our overall quality of life. Following our mental and emotional well-being, our physical body will respond; we could develop an ulcer from long-standing anger, experience weight gain from unresolved depression, or we could feel physically depleted from on-going anxiety. Each of us will be prone to different imbalances depending on our dosha, stage of life, and the season.

 To gain a better understanding of your dosha, review the list below and identify the physical and emotional tendencies that resonate with you most. Most of us have one dominant dosha, some may have two or more, and all of us will have tendencies from each.

Vata Dosha

Physical Tendencies

  • Thin frame and weight

  • Small, active eyes

  • Dry, rough, or thin skin

  • Dry, brittle, frizzy hair

  • Prominent joints that tend to crack

  • Cold hands and feet

Emotional Tendencies 

  • Light sleeper

  • Prefers warm environments

  • Responds to stress with anxiety and fear

  • Excitable, creative, and enjoys change

Pitta Dosha

Physical Tendencies

  • Medium frame and weight, defined muscles

  • Deep-set, moderately-sized eyes

  • Fair skin with moles and freckles

  • Fine hair with a tendency toward early graying

  • Flexible joints

  • Warm body temperature

Emotional Tendencies 

  • A sound sleeper that needs less than eight hours to feel rested

  • Prefers cool environments

  • Impatient, angry, judgmental

  • Intelligent, strong willpower, and leadership skills

Kapha Dosha

Physical Tendencies

  • Large, round, sturdy frame

  • Full, soft eyes

  • Thick, smooth skin

  • An abundance of thick, oily hair

  • Large, well-padded joints

  • Neutral body temperature

    • Hands and feet may frequently feel cool and clammy but warm up quickly and sweat easily with exertion

Emotional Tendencies 

  • Deep sleeper, slow to wake in the morning

  • Prefers warm, dry environments

    • Tolerates a wide variety of temperatures

  • Sluggish, stubborn, and prone to depression

  • Easy going, compassionate, enjoys supporting others

Getting to know your dosha is getting to know yourself. It’s the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of your experience, and they are all connected. The mental plane is the leader of the group, it determines our emotional and physical health and it can be the most challenging to discipline. That’s why, through the lens of Ayurveda, we address all aspects of life to determine the most accessible ways to bring balance and harmony to your unique mind-body type. At the same time, we are resolving your concerns and expanding your goals into an achievable vision.