Personal Journey


Jaclyn discovered Ayurveda or it might be more appropriate to say, Ayurveda discovered her after a rocky path of misguided decisions.

At the time, she looked at work as a source of happiness. She thought, if she was going to be somewhere for 8+ hours a day, she should be happy. Which is true but she put so much emphasis on work making her happy that she didn’t realize happiness is an inside job.

For years, she relied on other people and situations to determine if she was going to be happy which created a rollercoaster of emotions that led to various physical manifestations - the most glorious being a stress-induced ulcer. It was “glorious” because only then did she consider the need for change - and this time, she knew it was an inside job.

She began by attending a life coaching program where she saw the opportunity to help herself and potentially others. She started reflecting on her experience and became more curious about Life.

Her work-life started to change as well. She was still at the ulcer-producing job but this time, the triggering people, intense workload, and fear-based culture had less of a negative impact on her. In fact, she began using those experiences as sources of growth. She went from feeling like a victim to being more in control - and that was just the beginning.

After the success of the life coaching program, her curiosity continued and she became interested in learning about the impact of food on the mind-body. She looked into various nutritional programs but none of them resonated with her until she was introduced to Ayurveda: A life science that takes into consideration the whole person and the universal connection. Her heart melted and that became her path. This time, she left her job because it felt complete - not because she wasn't happy - and she began her journey with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda provided Jaclyn with the foundational principles to balance the mind-body which has deepened her spiritual practice. Now, she moves through Life with flow and control. In this Light, it’s her honor and privilege to bring Ayurveda to you and the workplace via the Purpose & Performance program!

“My mission is to help others realize their full potential by empowering them to put their health - mind, body, and spirit into their own hands.”


  • Mount Madonna Institute: Ayurvedic Health Counselor

  • Interchange Counseling Institute: Life Coach

  • Western Michigan University: Business Administration & Fine Art