Your Future Now

You’ve likely noticed or directly experienced the three areas of Life that can bring us to our knees: health, relationships, and finance/career. As part two of my original article, Turning Rejection into Life Lessons, we’ll deepen the meaning of what “limited perception” looks and feels like regarding finance and career and learn how to move beyond it.  

We think we need a certain income to live a good life but what if there’s a better Life on the other side of our current perspective? There’s only one way to find out and it’s guaranteed to be uncomfortable.

It feels like a risk, trusting Life fully - letting go of the deep conditioning to control our circumstances and choosing to “live in the Now.” A phrase many of us are familiar with but living it is a very different story - one that changes everything.

At first, it can feel reckless. “How will a minimum wage job pay my bills?!” This seems like a valid question but what it might not consider is what’s needed Now. 

Now is the only time that exists. Planning for the future happens in the Now. So what if we took care of Now and expected that to shape our future? The good news is, that’s already happening. The interesting part, however, is that it’s usually drenched in fear.  

It’s the weight and burden of our everyday lives that prevent us from experiencing the very thing we are planning for, a sense of freedom. 

“It’s the weight and burden of our everyday lives that prevent us from experiencing the very thing we are planning for, a sense of freedom.” 

Freedom is a state of Being. The weight and burden come from the limited perception of believing that controlling our outward experience (people, places, and things) will shape our inner experience (sense of freedom). 

We don’t know what’s going to happen beyond Now and that’s uncomfortable. We’ve been taught that we need to figure it out and have a plan, but what’s missing is the greater Understanding. When we have the Right guidance, the heaviness of the future cannot coexist; our limited perception becomes overridden by a higher Knowing. 

Presence, or living in the Now, fills our experience with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, Compassion, and Gratitude. This is The Calling and while it’s For everyone, not everyone will take the leap of Faith that it requires. 

If you’re curious about shifting your perspective from fearful to fearless, consider the following steps of action:

Step One: Awareness
The gateway to change is recognizing when you’re experiencing an uncomfortable emotion like fear, anger, or sadness.

Step Two: Observe the Emotion
Through meditation, you can become an observer of your experience; where fleeting emotions no longer have power over you.

Step Three: Remove the Emotion
Once you no longer identify as the emotion, you can remove it. This is not a rejection or dismissal but rather, an Understanding of who you Truly are (hint: you are not your emotions). 

Step Four: Fill that Space with Truth 
Once the emotion is removed, there’s space for something new. Imagine the Presence of Love & Light filling that once-dark place and creating a new pattern of experience - the one you really want.

Step Five: Rinse & Repeat
The only way to reprogram your life is through Life itself. In health, relationships, and finance/career we can expect to be challenged as a service to our growth and eventual awakening. Notice which area(s) is asking for attention and Know that is your work… for Now.