Posts in Wisdom & Rhymes
Messages of Reflection

As you walk, run, or play, notice the things around you and ask, what do they say? Do you see darkness, do you see light? What feels scary and what feels right? Each is a mirror, a reflection of you and the work you have done or that you get to do. No need to linger, simply, notice, allow, and bow to these great messages of reflection that are here for you now...

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Why Ayurveda is for Everybody (and why it is not)

When we decide to change our lives, we may be inspired by love and light or it could feel like a fight. When the light is dim and we have nothing to lose, we still have a choice to choose but we may not be confident if we will win or lose. We receive messages left and right, all well-intended but often out of sight. What’s deemed the most popular or recommended by a friend may leave us feeling like we are stranded on an island… 

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