Why Ayurveda is for Everybody (and why it is not)
AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
When we decide to change our lives
We may be inspired by love and light
Or it could feel like a fight
When the light is dim
And we have nothing to lose
We still have a choice to choose
But we may not be confident if we will win or lose
We receive messages left and right
All well-intended but often out of sight
What’s deemed the most popular or recommended by a friend
May leave us feeling like we are stranded on an island
Ayurveda is the way to go
It is not a diet or fade
It’s a lifestyle based on science
That heals the body
Expands the mind
And withstands the test of time
Ayurveda is where art meets science
It is technical, practical, compressive, and holistic
Through the elements of air, fire, earth, water, and, space
It offers us preventive care
And labels are not necessary here
It looks at the symptoms
Follows the causes
And gets to the root of despair
It is not a quick fix
But when we commit
The changes we experience
Keep us mentally, physically, and spiritually fit
It puts our health in our own hands
And allows us perform at our peak
It takes dedication, determination, and curiosity to say the least
Oftentimes, it’s where we met our inner beast
Uncomfortable feelings may arise
Which could feel like a complete surprise
But if we stay open to the possibility before us
It may just show us
What is meant for us
So do not hesitate
For what awaits
The darkness
Only serves
To bring you
Into the light