Life can often feel overwhelming, filled with endless choices and quick fixes that offer only fleeting relief. We find ourselves lost, constantly searching, yet never truly satisfied. But what if the key isn’t out there, but within? What if you already hold all the answers you’re seeking? Hint: you do…
Read MoreThe desire to create gives us purpose, but when fueled by fear, it disconnects us from the very qualities of Life we seek to experience…
Read MoreSo often, without realizing it, we focus on what we don’t want; our lower instinct kicks in as a form of protection, and we plan for the worst-case scenario—but more often than not, what’s really needed is Control over our thoughts…
Read MoreImagine if everything happening to you is actually coming from you - meaning Life is happening for you because You want the best for you. Regardless of how it appears, there’s a greater Good taking place and all we have to do is acknowledge it, surrender to it, and receive what’s waiting for us on the other side of our limiting beliefs…
Read MoreWould you agree that Life is happening regardless of how we participate in it? If so, would you also agree that how we participate in it, determines our quality of life? Essentially, we have two choices: we can accept the perceived limitations that lead to struggle and suffering or we can dissolve those limitations and create from something Greater….
Read MoreNegativity moves through me, like the sights and sounds around me. It cannot stay unless I place my attention in its way. Whatever we hold on to, whatever we decide to pursue - our thoughts, feelings, and actions create the very best that we can do. So how are you showing up for you?
Read MoreHow do you know when to keep your dreams alive or let them fall to the wayside? It can be quite complicated To understand with many nuances that offer to hold your hand. Yet for one reason or another, it may feel like you’re in quicksand. You want to see your vision through - after all, who else will give it Life but you?...
Read MoreHow many times a day do you limit yourself by what you think or say? You might be surprised how often you are your own demise. Conditioned to be practical, we stop our dreams from coming alive. This, that, and the other must happen before we will thrive but why? You don’t need this before that If you Know you are inherently abundant. Life happens from you, so how are you telling Life to treat you?…
Read MoreYou are cause and effect, have you realized this power yet? Even when you feel like a speck - small, tiny, and easy to forget, you are still powerful as heck. Can you imagine… everything you think, say, and do creating a vivid world directly in front of you? Well, it’s true - that’s the power that exists within you. You are the orbit, so now, what will you do…
Read MoreIf your feelings upset you, I may have a plan for you. The first thing to know is that they are ready to go. They are knocking on your door for a reason because you are ready to release them - but only if you don’t ignore them. It can be tempting to keep scrolling or find other ways to feed them - season after season and for apparently no reason, they keep coming back if you’re under attack...
Read MoreWill you act in faith plan in fear? Will you listen deeply or let worry take you nowhere? Will you let your light shine or become discouraged by one thought at a time? It’s completely up to you what you give your attention to. You can choose to go beyond illusion you can stay stuck in a state of confusion...
Read MorePrepare for the best and create stability for the rest. Keep your dreams alive - even if just one step at a time. Be emotionally responsible for you so that you’re able to see things through. Nobody can do this but you. And even though that's the Truth, there are guides, mentors, and teachers here to help you realize the Inner You, the One who has the answers you seek...
Read MoreEverything you desire outside of you already is within you. How do you know this is True? Because you are complete from your head to your feet. Of course, some things are more discreet - like the energy running through you connecting everything to you. But you are the director, the ultimate selector with a Devine link to the Creator. So what do you do with the power within you?...
Read MoreWhat patterns are happening In your life? Do they feel wrong or do they feel right? Is everything you think, say, and do in support of the Real You? What story are you creating and how are you relating to what you want to be True for you? The only person that can do this for you is you. Of course, there are guides, mentors, and teachers that provide a bridge over the gap of why life feels so off track…
Read MoreSurrender and become the master of your domain. Which may sound insane, especially when we’ve been taught for so long to act in vain but when it doesn’t work time and time again, when it feels like the suffering will never end, is that when we'll realize there's more to life than we can truly understand? While willpower and intellect certainly have their place, they alone will not win this race...
Read MoreIt’s all an illusion, that’s why it feels so confusing. Purposely placed for you to decide how you will choose to ride this ride. Will you let the mind be your only guide - limited by the intellect one thought at a time? Or will you abide in the Mystery of Life, listening to your intuition as you make each decision? The sweet spot really, Is a combination of these...
Read MoreIf, how, when, where, and why do you meditate? Do you have a tendency to hesitate? Does becoming still feel like you’re sitting backward on an upward hill? Perhaps it’s uncomfortable to think of what might spill... out of the mind for you to look at the millionth time. Trying to create a shrine of peace Isn’t easy unless you allow it to be...
Read MorePlant a seed, expect a harvest, and allow yourself to be astonished. Choose to see what’s happening around you, stems from you. That the sun is here to shine a light on all that you think, say, and do - bringing awareness to the thoughts and actions that hinder or support you. Potentially redirecting you to what’s True for you which can be confusing to navigate through...
Read MoreNotice your emotions and how they set things in motion. They are the lens from which you view life from - a direct reflection of your inner perception. Often an illusion creating confusion. When the intellect is the only one running the show, we can be left without truly knowing where to go. It tries to protect us by directing us based on experience alone, when in fact, it’s simply limiting belief that feels like home…
Read MoreBe like a tree and get rooted. Plant a seed, expect a harvest and allow yourself to be astonished. Choose to see what’s happening around you stems from you. That the sun is here to shine a light on all that you think, say, and do. Bringing awareness to the thoughts and actions that hinder or support you. Potentially redirecting you to what’s True for You which can be confusing to navigate through…
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