Navigate the Holidays by Understanding Your Dosha

The holiday season is upon us and it means many different things for most of us. Depending on your dosha, you could feel anything from elated to deflated. There’s no right or wrong of being, it’s simply helpful to be seen. When we understand the emotions and actions we are prone to, it gives us a map we can use to defuse any situation, especially before it happens. In addition, it’s fun to realize and experience we are all One - made of the elements, earth, fire, water, and space we are the human race. When this mindset is in place, we can have compassion for ourselves and everyone else.

Vata Dosha (air & space)

If vata dosha is the one you can most relate to, you may be the person everyone goes to light up a room. You are charismatic, creative, and generally elated. Though this can take a toll if you don’t ground yourself down. If you feel overwhelmed by sights and sounds, these are indicators you are becoming scattered which could lead to light sleep later.

If vata dosha is the one you can most relate to, you may be the person everyone goes to light up a room. You are charismatic, creative, and generally elated. Though this can take a toll if you don’t ground yourself down.

To help balance the lightness of the mind-body, you can eat things that are heavy and oily. Cooked over raw foods, dark meat over light, and mung beans are a grounding source of protein. Beer and wine in moderation and in general, avoid carbonation. Caffeine will be tempting because, as Ayurveda says, “like increase like” but it will cause an unwanted spike that will last all night. While you’re out and about, find pockets of time where you can rest and reset by connecting to your breath, even if just for one minute.   

Pitta Dosha (fire & water)

If pitta is your predominant dosha then it goes to say, you won’t be easily swayed. You are the leader of the group and it will show up one way or another. You could be the person that inspires or brings out feelings of fear in others. It’s in your nature to be the pacesetter - you will either create flow or people will want to go. Likely, you’ll be the host of the party, making sure dinner is on time, and those that are late, they will be left behind. The conversations you have will be sharp and focused because you like to make the most of everything you think, say, and do - and even if your opinion is true or not, you will see it through.

If pitta is your predominant dosha then it goes to say, you won’t be easily swayed. You are the leader of the group and it will show up one way or another. You could be the person that inspires or brings out feelings of fear in others.

To support your sharp mind and to stay kind, you can favor calm and cool in all you do. Raw foods, cool water, white over dark meat, and tofu are good options for keeping you cool. Beer in moderation and the hard alcohol and wine can be left behind. Before socializing, consider meditating and when you’re at a party it would be wise of you to notice the impact you’re making on the people you’re speaking to; reflection is one of the best tools to keep you cool.

Kapha Dosha (earth & water)

If kapha dosha is your mind-body type then you won’t be worried about all the hype - to go to this party or that, you’ll be happy sitting in the back, chilling with a friend or two - the folks that feel really comfortable to you. If the party is a potluck, you’ll feel struck by gold because you get to cook which is one of the ways you feel bold. Making sure everyone’s cup is full is your go-to way to show gratitude. If the gathering becomes a little rowdy, you will be the calm, grounding energy. That is, of course, if you make it to the party. You may want to stay home and you could feel depressed and alone. Getting motivated takes an army when you’re not ready to change the scenery.

If kapha dosha is your mind-body type then you won’t be worried about all the hype - to go to this party or that, you’ll be happy sitting in the back, chilling with a friend or two - the folks that feel really comfortable to you.

To help you motivate and create, have light, warm foods that are well-spiced. Steamed leafy greens with garlic and ginger are certainly a winner. Warm water, white meat, and hot tofu will also be beneficial for you. Leave dense foods like pumpkin pie for the next guy. Dry wine, red or white is just fine, and avoid beer and hard alcohol all of the time. Before and after socializing, take the time to energize the mind-body with a brisk walk that engages your senses to help with digestion.   

At the end of the day, keep in mind (and body) these elements are within us and they surround us all of the time. Depending on your stage of life and the season, things will change within reason. The holidays will come and go but the mind-body-soul is with us until who knows. So honor the flow, through the lens of Ayurveda and let it show you how to go.