Work-Life Flow: Five Ways to Enhance Your Performance & Longevity

Work-life balance is a thing of the past! Now we’re talking about work-life flow and rightfully so. But where do we begin when there is so much to know? Performance and longevity provide a map and show us how to last. We are here to evolve in work, love, and play and to enhance our performance and longevity along the way.


Performance refers to action - it’s the physical extension of our thoughts. So it goes to say, thoughts shape our world in a profound way. For example, if we are having a stressful day, we may take it out on another which could leave them bothered. Not only by us but they could take it out on another. So the responsibility to be kind goes beyond our state of mind.

When emotions get the best of us, it affects the rest of us. Our partnerships decline and our relationships feel less than divine. There is momentum in all that we think, say, and do so it’s wise of us to be true to the heart, create a good start, and follow it through.

There is momentum in all that we think, say, and do so it’s wise of us to be true to the heart, create a good start, and follow it through.

Therefore, it goes to say, when kind thoughts cross the mind and we take action in this way, it also has a profound effect on the day-to-day. Our partnerships improve and we feel like we are in a grove. Life becomes lighter and we become brighter. The energy shifts and so do we as we make room for things in line with this new way of being.

Hence, if thoughts are the foundation of action that shape our day and partnerships pave the way, it goes to say, we must show up for ourselves first in this profound way.


Longevity refers to duration - how long something will last before it no longer stands a chance. Performance and longevity go hand-in-hand - without one we cannot stand for very long before we realize we have sung our last song. When performance (thoughts) is driven by fear, anger, or perhaps it’s just not clear, we are navigating life from a place of lack which puts things stacked against us, back-to-back. Projects, partnerships, and personal relationships waiver in this space, and life begins to feel like a race. We don’t feel like we are enough, that we have enough, or we will become enough. Stress mandates our day, we lose sleep, become meek, or we are running on an anger streak and our confidence could decrease.

When we are wired rather than inspired, depressed from too much rest, or if being calm feels like a thing of the past, we have reached a place that feels like there’s no way back. Our response to stress may never be put to rest if we do not consider what could be better.

To enhance performance and longevity there are several things to consider. The root of it all is thoughts into action so we can create a world of satisfaction. In this place, projects, partnerships, and relationships thrive - and all we need is a key to unlock these identities which this rhyme begins to provide.

Mindful Workspace

Whatever is in front of you is a reflection of you. Is your desk clutter-free or is it a catastrophe? While this post is judgment-free, it’s an opportunity to see what your mind sees. Chances are if you feel scattered your desk is too - in one way or another this will shine through. If you lack inspiration, the key could be what surrounds you - does it make you happy or does it make you blue?

Whatever is in front of you is a reflection of you.

When your space reflects love and light or whatever makes you feel bright, this will shine a light on what’s right. Then you can focus on what you want to do with all the beautiful energy that’s coming through to you. In support of this, let’s not forget ergonomics!

Your posture must be right to fully receive this divine light. Feet firmly on the ground, pelvis and chin tucked is a great place to begin. Try it now, notice the difference that small win brings.

When working from home, make your working space known. It’s where you work, not where you play - that energetic shift will go a long way.  

Stay Inspired

This choice is one of the finest because it keeps us in alignment with our true calling. Listen to the body and notice the mind when things feel less than fine. These are messages to change things up, even if just for a moment. Take a break, move the body, breathe deeply, and release the mind from being confined. Life is one loop regardless of what we choose to do. This benefits that and that benefits this - do you get the gist? It’s all connected so simply give it your best.

Healthy Routines

Routine is a wonderful way to navigate the day. When we get into the flow, we simply know where to go. Less thought is needed and more action can be taken - specifically for those daily activities which help create security. When the mind-body feels safe, there’s space to play and create. When we are nourished from this place, we can unwind and focus on the task at hand - which oftentimes, helps us get our head out of the sand.  

When the mind-body feels safe, there is space to play and create. When we are nourished from this place, we can unwind and focus on the task at hand - which often times, helps us get our head out of the sand.

Curiosity Over Control 

When we choose curiosity over control this gives us another opportunity to step into life’s flow. When we understand and know that the only thing we control is our experience then we can truly let go. The only outcome is here and now. Speak your truth, take action, and see what happens. If something feels stuck, that’s your cue to review what you’re holding on to. Life is constantly changing within us and all around us - what experience will you create to promote love or hate?

The only outcome is here and now. Speak your truth, take action, and see what happens. If something feels stuck, that’s your cue to review what you’re holding on to.


“Go big or go home,” they say - this is the one that will shape-shift your day. This simple form of allowing space in the mind-body serves as a foundation of grace. Sit and watch without judgment or attachment thoughts pass you by like clouds in the sky. Create a routine and honor it - even if it’s for just one minute.

Depending on your dosha, you may enjoy mantra meditation (vata), to meditate on the breath (pitta), or a walking meditation (kapha). Anyway, that’s best for you, enjoy it as another beautiful tool.

These are just a few general suggestions and science backs them up too! A mindful workspace improves focus, helps us process, and be more productive too. (1) Inspiration is the key motivator to creativity - it impacts us individually and as a society. (2) Healthy routines help us relax, get better rest, and eat at our best. When we choose curiosity over control, we receive increased levels of purpose and gratitude, and we’re more likely to succeed. (3)  Meditation is a stress reducer and anxiety remover, and it lessens depression. In addition, it increases self-awareness, and kindness to yourself and others - and these are just a few! (4)

My suggestion to you, start small, have fun, and notice when you feel un-spun. These tools, while just the beginning, can bring about a certain clarity within you to help you enhance your performance and longevity.