How Your Motivational Type Impacts Abundance

When it comes to feeling abundant, oftentimes we leave that responsibility to outside sources. If we are working on something we love, if we have someone to love, if our health is optimal, and if our bank account is full - only then do we allow ourselves to feel the flow. But what if we are always in the flow and we just don’t know. The mind paired with motivation is this creation; though some of us are coming from a place of abundant starvation.

Ayurveda says, it just depends: if vata dosha has too much air and space, the mind-body will be all over the place. If pitta dosha overdoes it, the fire and water elements will want to over-create, and if kapha dosha is in just the right place, the earth, and water elements will be full of love and grace. These elements are within us and all around us and ultimately, it’s up to us to understand how they can work for and against us.

Fear (Vata Imbalance)
When the mind is filled with fear and nothing positive feels near, we prevent possibility from entering our vicinity. The mind-body feel small which prevents us from growing tall. The comfort zone we are in is a delusion of creation where nobody wins. On top of that, fear makes things unclear - it creates cycles that we learn to expect and we forgot how to reset.

To interrupt the cycle of fear means we need to get clear. One place to start is by listening to the heart. Sit quietly, let the mind run until it becomes un-spun. Listen deeply and acknowledge the truth that awaits us there.

Desire (Pitta Imbalance)
Desire is a curious place to be. Unlike fear, there tends to be more action here, but where it stems from seems to be the “problem.” The desire for something other than what we have comes from a place of lack - which stacks things against us from front to back. So while we may be mission-driven, we are also missing something.

Desire puts a focus on the goal, like we know where to go and at the same time, deep down, we are spinning out of control. Life surges from light to heavy and we may think we are steady but the feeling of always being ready takes its toll. If we learn to let go, we realize what’s important - the here and now is all we have so while we can choose to be mad or bad, what good is truly had? It’s the journey, not the destiny that creates the beauty that we think, feel, and see.

Love (Kapha In Balance)
Love is the purest form of motivation. This Divine presence reminds us of our inner guidance. Fear and desire have no place here; we have learned to let go of the things that do not serve us and now we get to ride the wave of pure bliss. From this place, joy, creation, and elation come naturally to us and we realize the abundance within and all around us. Laced with grace, we understand we are that space - the abundance we longed for was always here, waiting for us to release our despair.

Love opens doors and it allows us to soar. The place of lack feels like a thing of the past and our mission is no longer driven by something constantly spinning. We are in the flow and it no longer feels like there’s a place we need to go. We are already here, all of the time, we just didn’t realize it because we were taught to not shine. Now, we open and can connect to all of the good that is around us and we let it fill us up as if we were an empty cup. Once we shift our perspective and change our energy, anything is possible - you will see, the things meant for you find you and they stay with you in that frequency.

Love opens doors and it allows us to soar. The place of lack feels like a thing of the past and our mission is no longer driven by something constantly spinning. We are in the flow and it no longer feels like there’s a place we need to go.

Abundance does not come and go, it is a feeling that can last if we give it a chance. Once we recognize our motivational type, we can choose what we want to do. It can be as simple as that and it can take practice. This is where Ayurveda comes into play, it is the intersection of art and science that guides us to listen to our inner experience. When we understand our fluctuating energy, it is the key to unlocking all of the things that are meant to be. If it feels tough to shine, that's the calling to go within and try to listen to your inner wisdom. Clarity, ease, and grace come from honoring this Divine space. Connecting to our unique mind-body type creates alignment with what is already in place. Abundance from within is truly where we begin.