Be Like A Tree & Get Rooted

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Be like a tree
And get rooted

Plant a seed
Expect a harvest
And allow yourself
To be astonished

Choose to see
What’s happening
Around you
Stems from you

That the sun is here
To shine a light
On all that you think, say, and do

Bringing awareness
To the thoughts and actions
That hinder or support you

Potentially redirecting you
To what’s True for You
Which can be confusing
To navigate through

When the Truth
Feels like an illusion
One way to understand the Real You
And to unlock the potential
That patiently waits for you
Is to bring your attention
To what you want to be true for you

Focus on the positive
Demolish the negative
And do this on repeat
As soon as negativity starts to creep

Keep your intellect sharp
Your heart open
And harmonize the life you are creating

Grow the roots
Extend your branches
And blossom under all circumstances