AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
How often does something resonate
And yet it hesitates
To come into our life fully
That person, place, or thing
We are imagining
Is not quite ready
It asks us to hold steady
To keep the dream alive
To listen, learn, and grow
Until we are ready
But what does “ready” mean?
The details differ for each of us
But basically and generally
It means you committing to You
Raising your vibration
Becoming your foundation
Turning thoughts into action
And action into matter
You caring for You
Is the best thing you can do
There will likely be some casualties too
Everyone is not meant to stay with you
If they do it could mean they are doing the work too
To have a better life
Whatever that means
For each of us
It will be a different scene
The only thing for certain
Is that you will never be the same