AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
When you experience
An uncomfortable emotion
Like sadness, anger, or fear
May I suggest you get curious
About what it’s doing here
Often times we want to run
From this feeling of being unspun
But if we listen closely
And look more deeply
We can turn an uncomfortable feeling
Into a new way of Being
The darkness you are experiencing
Is the light trying to be seen
It’s wisdom in a mask
And it’s asking you to show up
For your greatest task
To reflect upon yourself
Is to truly be seen
And if it’s your first time
It could even feel mean
As you get to know You
Hold your own hand
Especially when it feels like you’re in quicksand
A bridge is being built
A place for you to stand
The lessons you have learned
The reasons you have turned
Darkness into light
At just the right time