AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
Loving yourself can be complicated and confusing
For one
It doesn’t start or end
With you
It’s all-consuming
In everything
That we think, say, and do
It begins with unlearning
Most of what is taught to you
It’s often something we pursue
Like it’s outside of me and you
We may unknowingly
Take the long road
But somehow that’s exactly what we needed to do
You may find it’s easier to love another
Than to reflect that love back onto you
If the Truth wasn’t shown to you
Then loving yourself could be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do
Feeling, noticing, and perhaps reacting to those inner demons that truly don’t belong to You
They are actually in service to You
Asking to be released so that you can experience inner peace
Befriending them is the best thing we can do
Get curious, have compassion, and let love be the last thing that you do
Do this on repeat
And expect it to never be complete
For this is something that you want to go really, really deep
Surrender and start all over again
Make a map
Expect to get lost
Never look back
Keep your head up
And your nose down
If you experience a frown
Know it won’t last
It’s just a bump on the map
A part of the plan
To help you
Get your head out of the sand