AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
Isn’t it incredible
That everything
You think, say, and do
Comes directly from you
Of course, you can be influenced
By your higher Self
Your lower Self
And even you’re neighbor too
Yet ultimately
Your experience is up to you
So it’s wise of you
To recognize
What is True for You
It takes practice
And at first
It may feel
Like elastic
Tight in the beginning
But once you get spinning
The motion is created
And you’ll feel more elated
Start by creating separation
From the thoughts you’re having
One at a time
Get curious and ask why
How does it feel in the mind-body?
Is it tight or expansive?
And ultimately, does it create harmony?
There’s no shame in any of these
It’s all about the journey
First we look
And then we see
So I encourage you to join me
This isn’t a solo trip
Even though you’re responsible for you
And I’m responsible for me
We’re all doing this thing called Life together
And once we realize that
Everyone will receive clarity