AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
It’s all an illusion
That’s why it feels
So confusing
Purposely placed
For you to decide
How you will choose
To ride this ride
Will you let the mind
Be your only guide
Limited by the intellect
One thought at a time
Or will you abide
In the Mystery of Life
Listening to your intuition
As you make each decision
The sweet spot really
Is a combination of these
And using discernment
More than just as we please
You see
What is meant for you
Is ready for you
The only thing holding you back
Is you
You’ve likely learned
You need to protect you
And for so long
It has been helping you
But when it includes suffering too
That’s how you know it’s not the Real You
The Real You
The Truth of You
Needs no protection
It simply needs recognition
You are love and light
The Great Mystery of Life
And if this seems strife
I totally understand
This dimension of life
Is generally not placed
Directly in our hand
It’s something we pursue
Only when we feel
There’s nothing left
We can do
And this doesn’t need
To be the case for you
You can decide
Right here and right now
To simply allow
The Life within you
To shine upon you
And guide you
Through all the illusions
That disempower you