AI-generated image based on Wisdom-in-Rhyme…
It’s all coming to me
From Me
It exists already
All I have to do is
Believe in Me
Trust me
It’s not easy to See
This Great Mystery
Provides us with the Key
It opens many doors
Which can be tricky
But if you listen closely
They become less sticky
Each of us moves
At a different pace
Yet we are all in the same race…
Where money, health, and relationships
Determine first place
But only when we Understand
They are here
For us
To expand
It will be difficult
Before it is Great
So be wise
And do not hesitate
Put all of your effort
Into what you want to create
Notice struggle right away
And let it go quickly
So it does not stay
Create a game of Life
That you actually want to play
Notice when
Peace alludes you
And decide
Is that True for you?
If not, that’s your cue
To come back to You
And once again
Meet the Real You