AI-generated image based on Wisdom in Rhyme…
Will you
Act in faith
Or plan in fear?
Will you listen deeply
Or let worry
Take you nowhere?
Will you let your light shine
Or become discouraged
By one thought at a time?
It’s completely up to you
What you give
Your attention to
You can choose
To go beyond illusion
Or you can stay stuck
In a state of confusion
And it’s not an easy task
Putting your ego last
But suffering without Purpose
Will drop to your knees
And fast
If this sounds like you
It’s simply because you haven’t met the Real You
The love and light version
Who removes all confusion
Can you imagine?
Letting Life flow
While you achieve
Your goals
Holding onto your vision
But not forcing things to happen
Understanding there’s a Master Plan
That has your best interest at heart
While it holds your hand
Guiding you to take action
But only as you Truly can
Allowing you to rest and receive
In those unknown spaces
Which you formally perceived
As misery
Are now simply a part of
This Great Mystery