AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
There’s no need to worry
Or be in a hurry
If this brings up curiosity
Oh how it’s a possibility
Follow me and let’s see…
What was your reaction
Both inside and out
The last time you had a doubt?
Did you lose sleep
And feel stressed?
Did everything feel like a bit of a mess?
Did you project fear
Onto others
Whom you consider dear?
If so, did they experience a frown
While trying to help you
Turn yours upside down?
The action we take from a worried state
Does not change the fate
While the outcome remains the same
Our experience during and after
Is what changes the game
In other words
There’s only so much you can do
Before the thing you are pursuing
Decides if it’s going to pursue you too
So enjoying the ride
Is the absolute best thing you can do
It tells the universe
I am fine regardless of what you do
The same can be said
For being in a hurry
It’s foundation is a state of worry
It’s says, I don’t trust you or me
And I want to control things
As I think they should be
This way of thinking
Has a tendency to negate possibility
When we try to create
From a limited space
The results will produce accordingly
On the other hand
If we allow things to unfold
In accordance to the universe’s mold
It could produce results
That are much more bold
Of course, all of this is up to you
To worry, be in a hurry
Or to choose trust and curiosity