AI-generated image based on Wisdom & Rhyme…
You’re getting everything you want
Whether you like it or not
What I mean by this
Is that the majority of us
Focus on fear, sadness, or frustration
If you’re curious
Notice how many times today
Your attention
Goes astray
And allows those feelings
To lead the way
Notice how they shape your day
And pave the way
To every interaction you have
And the things you do or do not have
Everything is a reflection
And it begins with our attention
We must access our inner wisdom
To realize and release
Once and for all
These old thought patterns
That used to protect us
But now keep us small
For a direct path
Simply ask
For what you need
Perhaps it’s relief
Or maybe it starts with belief
Expect it to happen
And have a deep understanding
These thoughts and feelings
Are coming from you
And they are not happening to you
This means
You’re responsible for you
So place your attention
Only on the things that you want to be True