Prepare for the Best

Prepare for the best and create stability for the rest. Keep your dreams alive, even if just one step at a time. Be emotionally responsible for you so that you’re able to see things through - nobody can do this but you. And even though that's the Truth, there are guides, mentors, and teachers here to help you realize the Inner You, the One who has the answers you seek...

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There is Nothing to Chase

“I am undisturbed, wide awake and money comes to me in mysterious ways.” Let’s break that down line by line because it’s perfection only comes at the perfect time. To be undisturbed means we understand the power of the word. We use our thoughts wisely and we only speak kindly. We move through life peacefully and we always choose harmony. Doing this and living like this is no easy task...

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This Fear is Not Mine

“This fear is not mine, it’s simply a storyline.” Fear can create uncertainty and it can simply be a belief we’ve learned to protect us when life felt hectic for us. We have been taught in so many ways that we must figure things out today - when in fact, Life doesn’t work that way. You’ll know this is true for you when you struggle In most of what you think, say, and do...  

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Go with the Flow while Staying in Control

“Everything is happening for me because it’s happening from me. I focus only on what I want to be true for me and I accept the mystery of what I cannot see. I release negativity Instantaneously because it lacks peace and harmony.” When we go with the flow while staying in control, we reach a sweet spot that most of us do not know... 

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It's Your Choice to Choose

When we are driven by emotion, it causes a lot of commotion. When we live in extremes, there is so much we cannot see. One way to know Is that life will feel a bit out of control. You may let other people, places, and things determine your well-being. It’s your reaction to circumstances that creates your next plan of attack. When in fact, it’s your choice to choose...

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What Choice Will You Make?

Listening to your intuition is one of the greatest gifts you’ve been given. Pair it with presence and add endless wonder, you'll get a recipe for success that never blunders. It shows you there are no limitations - that fear, worry, and regret don’t need to be a part of the equation. Without fail, you’ll walk in humble confidence having experienced what some call non-stop bliss and…

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The Headline of Your Story

Who, what, where, when, and how is your faith being tested? What person, place, or thing limits your perception? What keeps you small based on a fear of rejection? Doors only open when we believe in them and everything is created from our imagination. If this seems impossibly true, I double-dog dare you to challenge this version of you...

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Only Allow Good Into Your Life

Only allow Good in your life and start with right Now. Decide today to not be clouded by anything that stands in your way. This could be people, places, or things and even uncomfortable feelings. Learn the lessons and move on, get crystal clear, and have faith from Now on. Trust your vision and hold it closely, let go of the details because those are not your responsibility...

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You're Getting Everything You Want

You’re getting everything you want whether you like it or not. What I mean by this is that the majority of us focus on fear, sadness, or frustration. If you’re curious, notice how many times today attention goes astray and allows those feelings to lead the way. Notice how they shape your day and pave the way to every interaction you have and the things you do or do not have...

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Everything is Happening for You

Wish without worry and don’t be in a hurry. Everything is happening for you and it begins within you. If you let fear and doubt set in then that’s what you’re gettin'. And sometimes it’s hard to see those deep, dark patterns that create disharmony but if we look closely, we can start to track those things that feel like they are holding us back. They will show up on repeat until...

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Create Harmony through Self-Responsibility

Imagine a world where each of us took responsibility for our own experience in an effort to create more harmony... the actions we would take and the things we would say could be totally different than they are today. We could lead with compassion, follow it with care, and have a deep understanding that not everyone will be able to meet us there. In many ways, this shift is already taking place...

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What Holds You Back

Focus on what you want without a doubt. Which seems easy enough especially when you’re clear and driven but even then there can be a misconception that places perceived delays in your way which have to do with your belief system. It’s rooted deeply - even if you think you’re ready with a plan of action in your hand, there could be countless ways that suggest you sit rather than stand... 

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An Hour of Power

I encourage you and perhaps even challenge you to make the next hour an hour of power. This means let every thought you have and every action you take be toward the thing you want to create. This could be a certain feeling or a way of being. It could be a project you want to complete or the dream person you want to meet. It could relate to your finances and of course, your health too. Whatever it is that you’re giving your attention to, be determined to give it all that you do…  

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Take Your Power Back

This could seem obvious and if it does, that’s wondrous. Only through experience can we realize our restlessness - and it could take years or lifetimes to become aware of this. And yet befriending the mind one thought at a time doesnt need to take a long time. It’s truly up to you what you give your attention to. If your emotions tend to get the best of you, let’s prevent that from happening from you…

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The Best Version of You

“You have so much to teach me and I have so much to teach you.” If we have this perspective on everything we do and with each person we meet, life would be a total treat. Leading with curiosity and sincerity are some of the best things we can do -and not taking things too personally because it’s all here to better you...

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The Rollercoaster Ride of Being Unsatisfied

Notice how many times in an hour you want, need, or desire. Perhaps you want to consume this or that or you wish you were standing, sitting, or running from the thing that’s currently happening. What happens to the mind-body when we are unsatisfied can create a bit of a rollercoaster ride. When you want to change something right away or perhaps complain along the way, this says, “I am experiencing lack” which can feel like a set fact. When in fact, even if just for a second, you reflect rather than react…

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Choose Trust & Curiosity

There’s no need to worry or be in a hurry. If this brings up curiosity on how it’s a possibility, follow me, and let’s see… What was your reaction - both inside and out the last time you had a doubt? Did you lose sleep and feel stressed? Did everything feel like a bit of a mess? Did you project fear onto others whom you consider dear?...

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Abundance Begins Within

“Money comes to me, abundance comes from me.” Say that on repeat and see what you see. While what you want seems important, what’s more important is how you see it - and you don’t need to be filthy rich to experience it. You can walk outside and catch a glimpse of your inner abundance. If this sounds contradictory, allow me to explain it differently...

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