Posts in Wisdom & Rhymes
Choosing Your Experience

We consume this and that to prevent us from feeling the emotions that often leave us reeling but what’s really happening Is the mind-body is asking us for healing. It’s too hard to be seen or so it seems, the layers deep and complex with no known index, we turn to reading, eating, or watching a screen - rather than listening, breathing, and simply Being. But there’s nothing simple about Being...

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Wisdom in a Mask

When you experience an uncomfortable emotion - like sadness, anger, or fear, may I suggest you get curious about what it’s doing here. Often times we want to run from this feeling of being unspun but if we listen closely and look more deeply, we can turn an uncomfortable feeling into a new way of Being. The darkness you are experiencing Is the light trying to be seen...

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Happiness Happens From You (Part 2 of 2)

If happiness is happening to you rather than from you, I encourage you to spend more time with You. Quiet the mind, listen to the body, and notice the feelings you’re experiencing. If they are coming from past or future happenings, this generally means outside sources have found a way to impact your day - and that’s okay; it’s part of the work you’re here to do - to listen to your inner truth, to come home to You and experience the happiness that resides within you.

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Happiness Happens From You (Part 1 of 2)

Where does happiness stem from? Does it come from people, places, and things? Is it a feeling that is constantly leaving or does it stay with you like it’s your true Being? If the tendency is to rely on another, of course it must go, nothing lasts forever but when it comes from within It’s your superpower to spin and in this way, everybody wins... 

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Let Bliss Lead The Way

What if just for one day we honored our natural flow? Perhaps you’re thinking,

“I wouldn't know where to go.” If so, consider this: follow your bliss. Which sounds cliche but why not let bliss lead the way? And please know this, there’s a difference between ego and bliss. If there’s a desire to be more or somehow score, that’s the ego knocking at your door. Whereas bliss equates to flow...

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The Uncomfortable Unknown

Anything can happen at anytime yet we live by our watch like it’s a shrine. When in fact, linear time was invented by the mind. And while it’s certainly a helpful tool, when does the user become a fool? When do we negate the heart, mind-body, and soul to simply follow protocol? Could we take more breaks throughout the day to listen, learn, and play? Could we be uncomfortable even if just for a moment before reaching for the phone? Could we spend time alone? Engaging the senses and bringing attention to what’s within us and all around us, this thing we call consciousness…

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What's True for You?

How do you know what’s true for you? How do you listen to your inner wisdom? How do you know when it’s the ego or when it’s your intuition? What if we opened up to Life and let our heart be the guide? What we if let the mind be by its side? Trusted companions indeed but one will surely lead with insecurity, fear, and greed whereas the other, seeks nothing but truth which can certainly hurt too...

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You Committing to You

How often does something resonate and yet it hesitates to come into our life fully? That person, place, or thing we are imagining is not quite ready. It asks us to hold steady - to keep the dream alive, to listen, learn, and grow until we are ready. But what does “ready” mean? The details differ for each of us but basically and generally it means you committing to You...

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Time to be Seen

Most of the time, we have to break before we realize what’s at stake. The subtle signs pass by us without any luck until one day we realize, we’ve been struck. By lightening or so it seems - what happened to our old ways of being? They were no longer serving us and finally the mind-body decided it was time to be seen...

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Choose Reflection (Part 1 of 2)

Honoring your darkness is often seen as a weakness, when in fact it's a skillful trait that can prevent and even end hate. If we choose reflection rather than projection, the world would be a completely different place. And I understand it’s a tall ask to consider since we were small, most of us have been taught to be bitter one way or another...

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Choose Reflection (Part 2 of 2)

Reflecting upon yourself could be the hardest thing you do. It means taking responsibility for You. One way to begin is by reducing distractions where it’s almost certain, nothing will happen. It will likely get uncomfortable and even ugly too - it will probably be something that you don't want to pursue but I deeply encourage you to reflect upon You...

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Release Old Patterns

What old patterns are no longer serving you? Where did you once need protection but perhaps it’s no longer true? In fact, it could hinder you but it’s what you’re used to so you’re unsure of what to do. If this sounds like you, consider this: take time to quiet the mind and listen to the body - and if for any reason this feels unsteady, please know it’s a just sign you’re getting ready...

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The Courage to Create

Consider the life you want to create, is it growth-based or do you tend to hesitate? Let this reflection be a guide to the next step you take; whatever your answer, that’s the story you create. And there’s no right or wrong way - though it will likely determine your day, your relationships, the way you work, and the way you play. If you decide to grow, please know this...

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New Ways of Being

When you let curiosity lead the way, you start creating a different day. As thoughts turn into action, they pave the way and create the experience you’ll take away. As you bring this with you throughout the day, it opens up the possibility for more play - and you’ll respond to others in a more kind way. And while what we do is incredibly important What’s more important is how we do it…

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Change Your Story

When so much is expected of you, what do you let go and what do you pursue? Before you answer, think this through. Is the mind-heart connected and coming from a place of truth? Or is it something you feel you have to do? If so, how can it help you grow? What language can you change for the story to be re-spun into something more welcoming once the day is done?...

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Bountiful Boundaries

When we begin putting ourselves first, we naturally have more energy to disperse. One way to begin is by checking in -does the mind-body-spirit light up, seem heavy, or does the answer to the question feel like a maybe? This small task before you say, “Yes” can change your day in a simple, yet profound way. It creates a foundation of roots in your truth...

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The Race for Time

We raise ourselves up and ground ourselves down but there never seems to be enough time to truly turn our frown upside down. Self-care meets us there; when time feels like a race, if we let self-care come in first place, we will win beyond what we could imagine. The race begins to dissipate, time becomes more spacious, we become more gracious and things start to fall into place for us.

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